01 November 2005

more random stuff

toga party pictures are posted so go check those out.

stuff i forgot about my weekend:
i saw my 1st plate breaking at the party we were at thursday night. it was funny. they started out just throwing plastic plates that cracked, then someone threw a real plate. amanda and i were going insane b/c we wanted to clean up the mess.

last night our room had a collective mental breakdown. i threw my greek book & workbook & notebook across the room we all screamed. we played with fire and candles. courtney was trying different therapy methods on me. i was like i need therapy for a freaking greek class. it was pretty amusing.

i'm going on a last minute trip to egypt this weekend. alicia found cheap plane tickets and a cheap hotel/hostel room so we're off to egypt thursday night =)

current travel plans for the rest of the semester:
Nov. 4-6: Egypt
Nov. 11-14: Istanbul
Dec. 13-14: Amsterdam
Dec. 14-18: Paris
Dec. 18: HOME!

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